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I love creating new recipes so there’s a continuous rotation of lovely dishes. Many times though I have to be careful of the ingredients I buy because I might use them for just one recipe although I try my best to add them to another dish. In case I don’t, like with certain produce, I have to find solutions to preserve them longer until needed. A way of doing this is to freeze it. That’s exactly what I do with this produce… Snap Peas • How to Freeze!
After making a Stir Fry, I usually don’t use them right away and that includes bean sprouts which I will show you my little kitchen tip on how to extend their shelf-life in the near future. Instead of throwing them out after sitting in my fridge for a few days, this is what I do to keep them longer… Snap Peas • How to Freeze. It’s quick to do and the beauty of this is you can use them later on.
I detest throwing food in the garbage can. For the prices we pay for our foods, we shouldn’t be wasting any or at least very little. I’m very savvy when it comes to that and whatever I can salvage for later use, using methods such as freezing, blanching, and others, I’ll go an extra step to do so. Snap Peas • How to Freeze is a great way to keep them as long as 3 months in the freezer… now that’s being smart!
Bon Appétit!
Check out these other great kitchen tips & tricks…
Bean Sprouts • How to Extend Their Shelf Life
Onion Soup Mix ~ Make Your Own
Measuring Honey, Syrup or Molasses without Sticking
How to Poach & Shred Chicken the Easy Way
Secret for Better Grating Soft Cheeses/Butter
Tomato Ripening Trick
Extend the Shelf Life of Parsley & Cilantro
Speed Up Avocado Ripening ~ How to
and for more handy kitchen tips and tricks, click on this link… Recipe Category • Tips & Tricks
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